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This is my personal site.  I've updated the look and tried new layout techniques.  Once again you'll find the old standards: Say WHAT?!?!, my resume, humor on the web, a collection of my favorites,  some of my work from Penn, and my travel journal.  I've also included links and information regarding some of my favorite non-profits and online companies.  I hope that you find the new site enjoyable.

Write to Me.

This picture actually doesn't mean anything to me...

Looking for PPS?

The Post-baccalaureate Pre-health Society (PPS) is the student organization of the Pre-health and Special Sciences programs at the University of Pennsylvania.

Visit the PPS website.


The Journal of Young Investigators is an exciting, student-led initiative to broaden the scope of the undergraduate scientific experience. JYI provides opportunities for students to participate in the scientific review and publication processes, primarily through the operation of its peer-reviewed journal for undergraduates.

Visit JYI.org.

Neither does this one...  I just liked them, so I put them on my site.


In our world, 1.3 billion of us live on less than $1 a day. 1,000 of us die every hour from hunger, and 1 in 10 in developing countries never live to celebrate our 5th birthday.

Bread&Water was founded in 1999 by a group of young professionals in the New York City area who sought to use the means we had to turn these numbers around.

Visit BreadandWater.org.

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